Provence Studio Tour La Planete Rouge 2021 Stage

Visit to Provence Studios

Every year, the festival's sponsor is invited to visit the film studios of Martigues: Provence Studios. A part of the festival team accompanies him, and it is always a real pleasure, almost a return to childhood! This year, Sean S. Cunningham discovered the studios with us. Morgue, courts, prison, interiors and exteriors, swimming pool, green and blue backgrounds... Everything you need for a successful shooting! One of the rooms was dedicated to a virtual production: a 180 degree LED wall, a robotic camera and a linked virtual scene, all managed by Unreal Engine, a latest generation graphics engine, notably used for the shooting of the series The Mandalorian.

Here is a very beautiful place (and a must) in the south of France, for a complete shooting offer!

Provence Studios :